Creating a winning media stratergy with AI

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Marketers, Ride With The AI Wave Not Against It

Sam Altman's bold prediction that AI will soon handle 95% of the work traditionally done by agencies, strategists, and creative professionals has sent ripples through the industry. 

Competition among the precious 5% who remain indispensable is fierce. Gartner has predicted that traffic to search engines to websites will drop 25% by 2026 due to the rise of generative AI. 

Multimodal content, combining text, audio, and video, is demanding but rewarding. To be among the top 5%, lazy marketing won't cut it.

If your educational blog post is losing traction, don't rush to convert it into an AI-generated video script. It won't work. Different platforms require distinct approaches.

We’ll break down specific prompts that will tickle your brain, urging you to think deeply about  AI outputs shaping this media strategy. 

Prompt for Creating a Multimodal Marketing Campaign

Task: Develop an engaging media strategy for a product's target audience.


Instructions to your Chatbot. You can either feed the instructions one by one or the whole prompt together 🤖 ⬇️ 

#1 ) Audience Analysis

  • $Persona_Overview: Describe the typical buyer, their job, and the problems your product solves.

  • $Persona_Topics: Identify topics your audience is interested in that relate to your product.

  • $Persona_Mediums: Determine the preferred media consumption channels of your target audience.

#2) Content Topics

  • $Content_Topics: Create a list of relevant content topics based on your audience analysis.

#3) Media Campaign

Using what we know about the target buyer through information in $Persona_Overview,  $Persona_Mediums, and $Content_Topics, do the following: 

  • Start by choosing ONE content medium that most appeals to the target buyer. 

  • Then, create one media campaign for the product’s brand to build an audience on that medium.

#4) Running An Experiment

  • To illustrate with an example, we asked Gemini to create a multimodal media strategy for selling ‘Plan AI,’ an AI-powered business planner.

  • The typical buyer for Plan AI is a small business owner or entrepreneur who is looking to start or grow a business.

  • They are often overwhelmed by the process of creating a business plan and are looking for a tool that can help them streamline the process.

    AI-generated topics for ‘Plan AI’

  • AI can also help locate influencers in the niche who you can collaborate with on posts.

  • However, don’t take the first generic option it spins up. These famous influencers will play hard to get with a brand or service just starting… refine your instruction.

  • If you’re looking for nano or micro-influencers for your campaign, it’s advisable to rely less on AI and more on manual searches on Instagram’s Explore page to find relevant people.

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